Warhammer 40,000: Heroes of Black Reach
The “Heroes System Tactical Scale” from Heroes of Normandie is moving to the very stars into the universe of Warhammer 40,000!
On the hive-world of Black Reach, an Ork Waaagh! breaks, jeopardizing this sector of the galaxy! In Warhammer 40,000: Heroes of Black Reach, you need to help the Ultramarines in their merciless fight against the Warlord Zanzag and relive the grim adventures of Captain Cato Sicarius and Sergeant Scout Marines Torias Telion!
1 Rules booklet
1 Campaign booklet with 8 scenarios
6 double-sided Terrain Boards
Terrain elements
Ultramarine units
Sergeant Telion
Company Chaplain Brother Orad and his options
Librarian Brother Servius and his Psychic Powers
Brother Milius (Techmarine)
1 Tactical Squad (Vorolanus) with its Rhino and options
1 Scout Squad (Elias) with its Land Speeder Storm and options
1 Predator Tank
1 Razorback Tank
1 Landraider Redeemer
1 Dreadnought (Brother Agnathio)
1 Storm Talon Gunship
Order Tokens, Ultramarines 50-card deck, Wargear and Upgrade Options, Command Options, Vehicle Equipment and Customisations
Ork units
Goff Warboss Uzdrakh
Snake Bites Weirdboy Gorkargk and Psychic Powers
Evil Sunz Big Mek, Malagrah
Evil Sunz Mek Grugnoz and his Grot Oilers
Evil Sunz Tankbustas
Flying Rampage: Goff Stormboyz with their Boyz, Boss Mob and options
The Green Raiders: Goff Boyz Mob, with their Trukk, Shootas, Sluggas, Rokkit Launcha, Big Shoota and Options
1 Goff Deff Dread
1 Goff Battlewagon
1 Trukk
1 Warbuggy
1 Mek Gunz
2 Killa Kans
Order tokens, Orks 50-card deck, Wargear and Upgrade Options, Command Options, Vehicle Equipment and Customisations