Arkham Horror LCG: Carnevale of Horrors Scenario Pack
Carnevale of Horrors is a new, sixty-two card scenario for Arkham Horror: The Card Game that may played standalone or may be added as a “side-story” to your ongoing campaign. Its mysteries lead you and your fellow investigators far from the quiet, New England shores of Arkham. You’ll cross the Atlantic and partake in the Carnevale of Venice. But while this festival begins with music, mirth, and merriment, it quickly spirals into abject horror.
The sun vanishes, and screams erupt throughout the city. You want to save as many innocents as you can, but everyone is wearing masks. Who are the villains, and who are the victims? In this Carnevale of Horrors, you must race quickly through the layers of mystery and conspiracy, lest the cultists and their sacrifices summon a being of unfathomable malice!