Let’s Play Bridge
Hailed as the king of card games, Bridge is a perennial classic that’s easy to learn and tough to master. Inside you’ll find six decks of playing cards with a pack of scoresheets, as well as instructions for play.
Each of the four suits has also been designed with a color index of blue, green, red, and black for accessible iconography and at-a-glance reading, so you’ll never miss a critical trick, and you’ll make sure you always make the right play.
Whether you’re a Bridge beginner or a trick-taking expert, “Let’s Play Bridge” comes with everything you need for a fresh start or a sophisticated update to your favorite game. At 2.25″ x 3.5″, your six decks of cards come in the standard Bridge size. Combined with a pack of 25 convenient scorecards, a handy rules insert, and a stylish carry box, your Bridge club is finally ready for its debut.