A Fate of the Elder Gods: Beasts from Beyond Expansion
From the twisted growth on the outskirts of Arkham to the darkened angles in the very corners of withered homes lies a vast menagerie of evil waiting to be summoned!
With Fate of the Elder Gods: Beasts From Beyond, your cult will use new spells to make some of the most classic creatures from Lovecraftian lore do your bidding. Your cult will have a chance to bring forth the mysterious Mi-Go, the Dark Young, Deep Ones, Byakhees, Goat Spawn, Hunting Horror, a Hound of Tindalos, or even the terrifying, but unpredictable Shoggoth.
Players will also get a chance to summon four new Elder Gods: Shub-Niggurath, Ghatanothoa, Dagon, and Yig.