Shadows in the Forest
The dwarves hide in the shadows of the trees from the wandering light. The burning tea-light (adult player) moves through the dark forest and tries to find the small dwarves in their hiding places. If a dwarf is touched by the light, it is frozen and not allowed to move anymore. The other dwarves try to release it. To achieve this they must wait until the light has gone far enough so that one of them can join it in the shadow. All the dwarves try to unite under one tree while the candle tries to freeze the dwarves. Who will win, the light or the dwarves?
Shadows in the Forest is a cooperative game for players 5 years and up. An adult player for games where children play is required, due to the open flame of the candle. An alternative version included in the rules is intended for players 7 years and up, and is quite a bit more challenging. The alternative version does not require an adult player, but does require adult supervision. (The light doesn’t move.)
Original description from the instructions.
By altering the position and number of larger tree models, the game may lend itself to play by older children and adults. There are 2 editions of the game. The original uses a single folding board, the second has a modular board.